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On the move - wild clay

‘For my project ‘On the move’ I wanted to tell a story; a story about migration, resources, national identification and diverse paths.

I wanted to explore this dilemma about who we are; the dilemma I also find myself in, as half Serbian and half Sudanese, who now lives in Vienna.

I took on a journey along one of the most important migration route in Europe — the Danube River.

I travelled through 5 countries; Serbia, Hungry, Slovakia, Austria and Germany. And on this journey I collected one the oldest natural resource — clay.

I find clay foraging somewhat similar to migration. Without knowing what lies ahead, you go with hope to find a material or a place and attempt make something out of it. Both are very unpredictable processes, hopeful and exhausting. Both of these processes are motivated with a need for resources.

Clay is a very human material. It is a material that migrates along the rivers. There is no right or wrong way to shape it, it is a very forgiving material. Clays consist out of multiple and diverse minerals, and especially with wild clay, these minerals are mixed with organic material, sand, shells, stones... which all influence quality; firing temperature, colour, texture, plasticity, density, shrinkage and so on.

There are no two wild clays that have the same features. Just like every migration story, each clay is unique and distinct.

‘On the move’ transformed into 5 water jugs, made out of the foraged clays. Each one stands for one country. These jugs are holders for the human’s most essential need, water. And as the very

early migrations, we might find ourselves in the future searching for water and settling down strategically near it.’

Featured on Angewandte Festival 2023 

Wild clay workshops held:
2023 Collaboration with Industrial Design 1 / Keramikstudio Angewandte
2023  Urbinize - Wienerberg clay workshop  

Do not hesitate to contact me to discuss a possible project or learn more about my work.

© 2023 monandesign

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